Welcome at Hugo Music.

A new World of Music.


On this site, MCDP International presents the best Chinese Music from the finest music production company in the Far East. 'HUGO Productions', established in 1987 by Mr. Aik Yew Goh, is a label with more than 260 published CD's recognised all over the world. 'HUGO Production' is the experienced leader in this field for audiophiles. The fine production and the distinguished recording coupled with the elegant style in package design, the precision of editing and the complete text in both Chinese and English have promoted Chinese music production to the highest international standard. In the meantime, the term 'Chinese Music' has become established as a brand name in its own right.

The music in this catalogue covers all fascinating categories of Chinese Music including World Music, New Age and Meditation Music, Qin and Zheng Music, Guangdong Music, Nanyin Songs, Plucked-string Music, Bowed-string Music, Wind Instrumental Music, traditional and modern Chinese Orchestral Music, Folk Songs and Operas and Percussion Music, not forgetting the Western Classics, performed by outstanding Chinese soloists and orchestras.

MCDP International offers an exciting and delightful treasure trove of music of extremely high quality, all 'Made in China'.

Important: The music which is offered here has not been modified for western ears. HUGO music is made by Chinese for Chinese. It is totally authentic. Rest assured, you will find it most enjoyable.
















